Monthly Archives: November 2007
djb to release all his software into the public domain
Dan Bernstein aka djb writes brilliant software. He has a reputation for being a little difficult but his software is really, really well written and some of the most secure code out there. I used qmail for a long time, … Continue reading
optimizing a home office for energy consumption
Great article over at on reducing the energy consumption of a home office.
trade deficits
CNN has an excellent article by Warren Buffett on the worrying US trade deficit. He wrote it four YEARS ago.
Lessig at TED
Larry Lessig‘s excellent talk at TED titled ‘how creativity is stranged by the law’ is now online. Recommended viewing – 19 minutes long.
There is an interesting blog post at about the state of the US rail transportation system. The article mentions the “Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act” of 2007 (S.294) that cleared the Senate at the end of October with … Continue reading
testing smtp auth from the command line
Testing smtp auth can be a bit of a pain sometimes, particularly if SSL or TLS is involved. Mail clients often don’t really show what they are doing and/or don’t allow you to set all variables, like which authentication mechanism … Continue reading