Monthly Archives: April 2006
explorer destroyer
Yep, this blog is now equipped with “Level 1: Gentle Encouragement” of Explorer Destroyer. For all you Firefox users out there (a whopping 87% of visitors!), nothing will be different. IE users will see a nice banner at the top … Continue reading
reflective screens
I’ve wondered for a while why so many laptops come with highly reflective screens. Today I found out why: I saw a guy on the subway actually using the screen of his laptop as a mirror to get his hair … Continue reading
canadian musicians get it
The Canadian Music Creators Coalition gets it. They believe that suing customers is not smart. That DRM is bad because customers don’t like it – because it causes nothing but trouble. And that cultural policy should support artists, not the … Continue reading
LinuxBIOS: Tyan s2881 HOWTO
With a lot of help and several patches from the friendly folks over at the LinuxBIOS mailing list, I finally got LinuxBIOS working on the Tyan GX28 hardware. I’ve put a Tyan s2881 LinuxBIOS build HOWTO on the LinuxBIOS wiki, … Continue reading
verizon e-mail ‘service’
In the category ‘completely clueless’ Verizon has decided to blacklist half the planet. Or the whole planet, maybe – it would not surprise me given the reports on Broadbandreports, Nanog, Slashdot, and even our local Boston Linux and User Group. … Continue reading
Received a phishing e-mail that made it through ClamAV. Nothing special about the message but the end: Thank You , Commonwealth Bank of Australia Management Stuff I wouldn’t want to deal with any bank that doesn’t have stuff. Would you?
One of my favorite meat-substitutes is Quorn. It can be hard to find in the US but we picked some up the other day, and today I noticed this bit of text on the packaging: Happily, Quorn products not only … Continue reading
GNU/linux/apache 1, microsoft/iis 0
A picture speaks a thousand words. This article has 2 images that describe “a complete map of the system calls that occur when a web server serves up a single page of html with a single picture – the same … Continue reading
Debian released a security advisory on Horde yesterday, so I had to upgrade a bunch of machines. I run Horde/IMP from source. Upgrading to a newer version is kind of annoying; I lost a lot of time doing it. In … Continue reading
greed (2)
An update on the Da Vinci Code lawsuit I wrote about earlier. The claimants have lost the case, thankfully. The key quote from the Post article is by a Boston-based lawyer: Copyright protects the expression, not the idea That’s pretty … Continue reading